Unsmurfable Smile (The Smurfs, 2021)

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Unsmurfable Smile
"Me, I don't like green."
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 3 (Brodcast order)
5 (Production order)
10 (Belgian order)
Air Date: June 6, 2021 (France)
May 16, 2021 (Belgium)
September 5, 2021 (Israel)
September 17, 2021 (United States)
Writer: Reid Harrison
Previous episode: Diaper Daddy (Brodcast order)
Clumsy Not Clumsy (Production order, Belgian order)
Next episode: Mind the Cat (Broadcast/Production order)
Smurf Your Seat Belts! (Belgian order)

"Unsmurfable Smile" is the tenth (third in U.S order) episode in the first season of The Smurfs (2021)


Smurfette and Smurfblossom notice that Grouchy is never happy. To make up for it, they bring him on a hike with the help of Hefty, Handy, and Papa Smurf. The attempt to do so fails extremely, and they end up trapped on a large mountain. They have to find a way to get back up, while also trying to make Grouchy smile.

Why It Smiles

  1. This focuses on the angry Grouchy Smurf. It works well, as Grouchy has rarely smiled before and having an entire episode dedicated to this is pretty interesting.
  2. This episode brings some throwbacks to the comics, as according to what Papa Smurf says, the Bzz Fly affected Grouchy by making him transform into a grouchy Smurf, as in what happened in the comic book story "The Black Smurfs".
  3. Funny moments, such as Grouchy's gray rain of depression.
    • The attempts to seesaw Grouchy up a large mountain they ended up on is also funny.
  4. Good animation and voice acting as usual.
  5. Good ending: Grouchy finally smiles through a sunshine while in the air. Everyone is able to get back safely while Smurfblossom noticed him smiling as Grouchy tired to cover it up.

Bad Qualities

  1. One gross out moment in the episode, as a stork poops on Grouchy while passing by.
  2. Grouchy is technically treated as a Butt-Monkey here, as he falls into water and breaks his leg.


  1. This is the first episode in this series not to feature Brainy Smurf. In addition, multiple characters do not appear here, making this the episode with the least amount of characters.


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