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  • 72 edits

Hi, I'm RogerRanger and I am an geek with a small circle of friends. I love a lot of movies, shows, games, toys, and stuff like that. I look at a lot of stuff on the Internet and try finding things I can enjoy. My favorite fictional character is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.

I want to help and be creative as much as I can. I am rather awkward and innocent though, even unaware of some of the things in telepedia, so help me in the things I'm not very good at.

My Current Profile Picture

Gunter (Adventure Time) from the episode "Water Park Prank"

My Sandbox

  • None for now

Pages I have created:

  1. Baby Princess 2D/3D Paradise 0
  2. O Homem Nu (1997)
  3. Nue Comme Un Verre