WR Rally

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WR Rally
World Rally Rally
Genre(s): Racing
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
Release Date: February 21, 2005
Developer(s): Destan Entertainment
Publisher(s): MarkSoft
Country: Poland

"Jadę, jadę, jadę, zapierdalam! Jazda, świry, jazda, zapierdalam! (ENG: I'm driving, driving, driving, I'm fucking driving! Driving, freaks, driving, I'm fucking driving!)"


WR Rally is a 2005 racing game developed by Destan Entertainment and published by MarkSoft for Microsoft Windows.


The player takes on the role of a rally driver and takes part in races of the most powerful car class, which is World Rally Championship. The game contains eight routes and nine cars based on rally cars such as Subaru Impreza, Ford Focus, and Peugeot 206.

Why It Sucks

  1. The first thing, albeit a minor one, that makes you lose all hope of this game is the senseless title of the game itself, which means it suffers from the same condition as CID the Dummy. As the game is related to the WRC, which stands for World Rally Championship, the game borrowed the first two letters from this abbreviation, adding one additional word "Rally", so that the full title could read "World Rally Rally". All this explains that the developer has not learned English sufficiently, although not only Polish schools have the possibility to teach English, but there is also the browser search engine, like Google to search for this definition.
    • And such a bonus reward in the form of breaking a pair of player's teeth by the developers is that, despite the game is called WR Rally, the gameplay is not based on the same as the Dirt games from Codemasters or the actual competition in car rallies, as in the case of the World Rally Championship, in fact, this is another unremarkable racing game without a soul.
  2. It is one of the few games that includes a box that is generic on the one hand and embarrassing on the other.
    • The first cover, that is the front cover, does not in itself encourage you to buy the game, because of how boring and uninspiring it seems, looking straight from a budget game or graphics taken from a magazine.
      • First of all, as befits a 2000s budget game from Poland, there is no rating system (for example PEGI, which is used in Europe), which means that it is not known who this game is intended for. In the most absurd case, the average customer would think it was an unlicensed game, as there was no rating system featured for this game.
      • Generic advertising slogan for a typical racing game. The cover says: Pełen realizm and Zabójcza prędkość (in English, they mean Full realism and Killer speed). The cover barely shows what the advertising slogan says, and even more so when during gameplay it is a different story.[1]
      • Speaking of the main dish reserved by the box, which is the cover art itself, it is cheapely-done, and by the way it does not show anything interesting, except for two racing licensed vehicles (one of which activates the blur effect due to the advertised "killer speed"), empty road, and ugly rendered cars, devoid of details that are outside of the "real-life" part of the cover.[2]
    • Lest the game box look too bland at first glance, the back of the box hides some nice jokes stuffed by the developers just to make the game sell well, and these are the "game features" the developers have mentioned. On the one hand, this is perfectly consistent with the content of the game, but there are some things that make you laugh.
      • Realistyczna grafika (Realistic graphics): The first thing the game advertises in side of technical aspects, but this can easily be considered false advertising. The graphics they advertise in fact look unquestionably below expectations, which will be discussed in WINW#4.[3]
    • Opcja gry "jeden na jednego" ("One versus one" game option): In short, this sentence is completely unnecessary, because not only this feature is very common in racing games, but also it is just a clog, just to make this section more extensive.[4]
    • Sterowanie przy pomocy klawiatury, kierownicy, joysticka i padu (The controls with the keyboard, steering wheel, joystick, and gamepad): First of all, the joystick and the gamepad have the same meaning, the only difference being that they are synonyms. Second, for a racing game, it's another clunker, and each player does one thing before starting the game, which is checking game settings. In short, another miserable attempt to earn money from the owner of one of the "four" types of gaming equipment.[5]
    • Klimatyczna muzyka (Climatic music): The game contains a soundtrack consisting of techno music, but especially those presented by the game, it is difficult to consider them "climatic". Speaking of music later, go to WINW#5.[6]
  3. The game in what aspect it causes bleeding from the eyes, having nothing to do with the main part of the game, which is the gameplay, is the main menu itself, which was made to proudly achieve the title of "the most hideous main menu of all time".
    • The problems with it start with the fact that the menu shows an event happening on the road with trees and small mountains nearby, and strangely enough, the racing car is driverless, even though the vehicle itself, including the tires, drives slowly forward. In addition to this twisted quirk previously mentioned, there is such a void that makes players think that someone recently blew up an atom that only left this spot, as well as one car.[7]
    • The main menu gets a red flag for showing its true nature in terms of graphics that the back cover considered as "realistic", but looking at it, it is far from realism. A particularly regrettable thing is the car, unnecessarily filled with lights and other trinkets.
    • A logo that is lazily placed, which also looks different than the one on the cover.[8]
    • There is one thing on the main menu that is very rarely used but is redundant, which is developer's and publisher's logo placement. The producers realized that the recipient will be a man as dumb as a shoe who is not aware of who created the game, even seeing a cover art, and can't do research for himself, before seeing in the main menu for the record both logos of the companies that have to do with this pile of shovelware game.[9]
    • The animation of scrolling options is very slow and it only wastes time.[10]
    • To the right, near the options, are white stripes that actually resemble white colored thin wooden toothpick.[11]
    • As it happens in the case of budget games sold for a low price, which also guarantees low quality, there are quite a few settings, which either barely give anything, and may even be unnecessary. And the top of the iceberg is that they don't explain exactly how the options work.
      • In the graphics settings, they are exclusively the ability to turn on/off the shadow, speed effect, mirror, particles, crash effect, and the field of view. Instead of decent options that can affect game performance like graphics quality or even resolution, there are only small details added that barely affect performance, even for the computers the game required in 2005. However, it is worth mentioning the strangest aspect, which is the field of view itself, which unnecessarily contains too much of this setting, not to mention that the maximum is 5000m, turning it into kilometers, is as much as 5km, which is a distance that you will not see while exploring the routes, if not even half of the possibility.[12]
      • From the bizarre graphics settings, it is worth going down to the very bottom of the ocean, which are sound settings that are painfully basic, without any special settings. The game spits at the player only by changing the volume of music and sound, and the ability to turn on/off two options, such as music and sound. You definitely shouldn't expect any custom sound settings, such as engine and brake volume, or cases such as a collision.[13]
  4. Something the game has been touted to the eyes of gamers is "realistic graphics", but the reality, like games that feel extremely low-budget, comparable to the production of IncaGold or early Team6 games, is quite different and incredibly painful. Affectionately speaking, the appearance of WR Rally resembles a bum beaten with a baseball bat with smeared rainy soil, while throwing a pile of rotten pie on his face. All this apocalypse of visual pukes throws in the naked eye everything that looks at the level of a bad 1995 game released on MS-DOS. And an even greater show of embarrassment is that Need for Speed: Most Wanted looks much better than this budget muff, a game that was released in the same year as WR Rally, though even the earlier Need for Speed games or Midnight Club games from the PlayStation 2 era also surpass the graphics level offered by this game.
    • The game is distinguished by incredibly disgusting car models, featuring an extremely cheap plastic that makes the car look like a bonus cereal toy, not to mention the hopelessly low number of polygons. Additionally, some vehicles somehow don't even feature the car's VIN number, as if they were stolen straight from the automotive market.
    • Everything in this game looks utterly shoddy, especially when it comes to the textures, which are comparable to sewage and the rotten potato, also featuring the shadows which look plastic and painfully artificial, extremely angular vegetation, comparable to Minecraft terrain, ending with nasty smoke and weather phenomena.
  5. The game describes that it has "climatic music", but it's hard to believe a single word from the publisher that advertised it. In fact, it is inept techno/electro music, causing the ears to bleed with its inherently low composer artistry. Not only is this entire soundtrack definitely out of place for a racing game, much less for dancing, it's just a compilation of embarrassment to exist solely as a potential background music for song parodies by YouTubers. Examples of the most cheesy music from WR Rally are definitely track00, track01, and track02, which blow budgetary as much as possible, and which are also unbearable to listen to after a dozen or so seconds.
  6. As if the music wasn't bad enough, the game includes sound effects, which should definitely be on the level of inept budget games of the time, because the sound of the engine is reminiscent of a mixing machine knocked off the kitchen counter, while the brakes that resemble brushing the ice during a more intense kerling game, and the collision sounds like a farting pillow.
  7. As is often the case in racing games created at low production costs, the developers from Destan Entertainment did not want to come up with a script that there would be any seed for a plot. As a result, the player receives a half product with non-existent plot and little content whatsoever, in addition to the common in this genre pointless racing without a prize and the reason why it was worth playing WR Rally.
  8. The game has only eight routes, each of which, to put it mildly, is a catastrophe to the limit. In addition, the demonstration of the routes themselves is a real trash, because the routes are presented in the form of small rectangles, representing a footage of the road from the "eyes of the car" perspective, not to mention the low frame per second, as if they were recorded on cameras operating at the level of the McDonald's Happy Meal toys.[14] The game features:
    • The route is mountainous, looking as if it was designed by the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes under the influence of alcohol and strong drugs, resulting in inhuman design stupidity, so driving on such a road very often ends in a road accident, meaning frequent falling off the road and an occasional collision with an opponent, because developers designed roads that are too narrow and car's physics makes the gameplay more frustrating, making this game feel unplayable.
    • The second route is not very special, except that there is a sunset, as if it was designed from a special plasticine, not to mention that it hurts your eyes with its ugliness. Speaking of the route, it is simply boring, in which you drive painfully straight road around the route. A special attraction of its rotten boredom is the bridge that allows you to cross the river on the opposite road.
    • The third is a gravel road in the forest, with the shape and appearance of a fatty liver on which someone sprinkled a few kidney stones. Theoretically, this is a forest-based route, there are a lot less trees than you might expect, then instead Destan has provided players with a forest dominating its poverty as if it were ruled by thousands of lumberjacks removing as much trees as possible. The final icing over this dirt-as-dirt cake is that no effort has been made to make a clear path, instead, it looks quite similar to ordinary woodland soil, distinguishing itself in a more brown color, which can sometimes get you lost on the road, especially it is handicap for players suffering from color blindness. A thing that will kill off everything else that was bad on this map, in some places they poorly placed objects, for example the boulder rests halfway, screening out these less adapted individuals.
    • To prevent the player from feeling cheated by the publishers, they added a winter-themed level where "everything that was leafy was sprinkled with powdered sugar". The level itself does not stand out in any way unlike other games with a similar theme, but it has been designed so that it is unnecessarily large due to the emerging paths that lead to nothing, apart from losing the right path by player. And the bottom of the ocean of embarrassment is that these paths, located next to some turns, don't even feature rescue ramp that are necessary in the game, so that the car does not accidentally slide through the turns, so that it does not run into the wrong road, which nothing indicates.
    • Half of the game hides Destan Entertainment's biggest secret. Four of the eight routes show the developers' fetish of winding roads in the middle of the ocean. Each of these four maps is a variant of the similar map, the only difference is that the first is an oak route, the next is a palm route, a seventh one looks exactly the same as sixth one, except that the road scrolls the other way, and eighth route has palm trees at the start. This whole weird concept makes the player not want to play it anymore because of their repetition. The additional thing that actually makes Destan a bunch of feral brainless designers is that in palm routes, the asphalt mound will injure you due to over-revving, whether you're driving up or down.
  9. Like many cheap racing games, the game is purely single-player based, so don't expect multiplayer mode anywhere, not even split screen, which ultimately result in no replay value after finishing all eight routes and its every gamemode.
  10. For some incomprehensible reason, the game decides to leave pity aside for the player because when you press the "Esc" button on the keyboard, the game doesn't stop to the menu, instead the race ends and you are forced to race again. It is especially painful when there will be a certain moment when you need to quit your computer for various reasons. The best and only effective option is to just complete the entire race, because there is no other way out.
  11. The physics is a thing the developers have absolutely no idea about and, suggesting by this game, they certainly didn't do well in school when studying science. If Albert Einstein noticed what was happening in this game, he would sooner hide his head in the sand, due to the incompetence of the creators of this sloppy work.
    • According to the game, cars are light objects like a feather and bounce like rolling fat people during a collision with a brainless opponent.
    • Occasionally there are boxes in the game, which also turn out to be so light that they bounce almost at the level of the rubber. It is not confirmed how much it weighs, but when you play this "pile of art" like WR Rally, you can see in front of your eyes that they are certainly empty, and even if there would be nothing at all, it still makes no sense, as it is a material made of wood than rubber. After a collision with wooden boxes, they would be destroyed, but this game does not show it at all, because obviously there is almost no physics in the game.
    • The proof that this game is outrageously unfinished and devoid of polish is the lack of any water physics, because when you fall into it, you penetrate like a ghost through the object and you won't even notice that the car is actually in the water and any splashing effects, instead the car spins in limbo like a drunk man after five beers.
  12. 'By racing game standards, WR Rally has an eminently ridiculously badly designed artificial intelligence to match that of moldy cottage cheese or cement. The opponents in this game are idiots who have certainly not passed the driving test, because they do not know the basics of driving a car or are unaware of the traffic regulations, or possibly according to players' thoughts, they have not been able to fill in anything except their name and surname on a piece of paper. The experience with these road pirates, which lack of sanity, is pure pathological and it perfectly shows how underdeveloped the game's source code is.
    • Opponents often collide together for no reason, only to give the player an easier chance of winning, unless the enemy hits you with a car from various sides to such an extent that you are forced to restart the race, because the game contains a mechanic that when the car is damaged enough, the race is stopped. Such a collision not only often results in a failure of the race, also the car will easily go beyond the railing, which may cause the car to get stuck off the route and it will not be possible to pass the trap until you restart the level, which is easiest to see in the first route, due to the mountainous terrain and its structure, which only facilitates this type of accident.
      • Besides, for relaxation, they frequently crash boxes standing on the road, which in fact were supposed to consist of passing them, but following the logic of the game and "its fathers", driving through the boxes is a normal activity and obligatory to be an A-class driver.
    • Drivers are not only so desperate to collide with the opposite car, they are also blind because they cannot handle turning in the direction they should, resulting in a collision with an object that ends a straight road and forces driver to turn. Such antics take place even on the routes that take place in the winding roads in the middle of the ocean. Regardless of which map you choose, in this aspect they often show their incompetence when it comes to driving skills.
    • For some strange reason, when racing against one opponent through the "One versus One" mode, the opponent will occasionally slow down his car, just to make it easier for the player to race, but on the other hand, he remains merciless, driving fast ahead so you don't have a chance to catch up the enemy car.
  13. An aspect that should be mastered to perfection in racing games, unfortunately it disappoints on this point, meaning the driving model, because the car is steered like a shopping cart, so you can often unknowingly make an accident by colliding with objects or falling off the route, making it difficult to finish the race, and the vehicle "slides on ice" when turning, like a ballerina. Other times, the catch is also caught by the braking behavior, when your four-wheeled friend, meaning the vehicle, bends into the pavement, as if a mole has begun to leave its burrow. Everything is tapped by the fact that even the smallest tilts to the sides end up rolling into a ditch for the car. All this unpleasant surprise means that with your "killer speed" you will sooner throw the game disc into the furnace than spend time with this game for more than two minutes with its "full realism".
  14. WR Rally is extremely bare-bones when it comes to cars. The game first offers the option of choosing a car in which you choose one of nine vehicles, and that's basically everything, because there is no feature of customizing the car, for example replacing subassemblies (engine, break, and more), only the tires can be replaced, but they only differ in cosmetics without having any effect on endurance or speed. In theory, each car differs in endurance, the controls will still leave the same bitter effect.
    • An additional surprise is that the game contains licensed cars, but an embarrassing fact is that they did not even try to give a specific name for the cars, only replacing the mega-generic name when selecting the vehicle, for example "Samochód nr: 3" ("car no.: 3") instead.
  15. The "Tourist" mode is an unnecessary clog after having a sufficiently disastrous experience in the other modes, because the only thing you have to do is explore the route wherever you can without any single sensible goal, which makes it instantly repetitive, and it doesn't help yet that you are exploring mega badly designed levels that were an obstacle in themselves as racing routes, they are now boring to explore. In short, this mode is a soulless open-world devoid of any content.
    • Additionally, what's surprising in this mode is that there is still a timer implemented, which is practically useless to begin with, since you have no goal but free exploring.
  16. One essential thing that often happens with unfinished games is that the game is a plain unpolished mess, and due to its low budget and guaranteed rushed development, not only is it a frustrating piece of an unenjoyable electronic entertainment in its core, but also broken, and at worst almost unplayable to experience. The number of errors can be comparable on the level of typical hastily made European budget games, which hardly anyone remembers, and modern ones, which are sharing the philosophy of "release it now, fix it later".
    • The game is poorly optimized; regardless of which route you are on, how powerful your hardware is, and what settings you have, the game can run at less than 20FPS, especially when you collide with anything and a red illuminated screen appears, signifying the car's destruction. Even at the lowest settings you can experience this unpleasant taste.[15]
    • When starting a route, the game script sometimes causes you to position yourself too close to your opponent or even inside his car, the race quickly ends. It is a matter of bad luck that this can happen on any route, although it is not the most common case.[16]
      • The same thing happens even if you aren't too close to the opposite vehicle. For example, on a winter-themed route, the car will position itself quite incorrectly, such as from the face close to the railing and the car is lifted in the air, then the vehicle will hiccup, spin and eventually the game stops the race.[17]
    • Returning to the topic of the water that is devoid of physics, it turns out that if you fall into the water you will see a mirror image of the road for some reason, although in theory you are underwater, it shouldn't be something like that, according to nature.[18]
    • In some places, for example when exploring the third map in Tourist mode, one terrain lacks collision detection, which means that the car can penetrate the ground, ending up in a limbo.[19]

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Unlike many low-budget racing games, the game has a pretty good damage model, where in various accidents, you can see broken, bent, damaged parts of the car, and even see a situation where the parts themselves come off in the same situation.


WR Rally received generally negative reception. On the Polish gaming website Gry-Online, the game received an average score of 3.4/10 based on user ratings.[20]

Retrospectively, the game has been reviewed by four Polish web reviewers, including BartekGM, NRGeek, MaciekGMP40, and FranZ Gamer, who did the review collab in April 2019. BartekGM gave 0.5/10, because the only positive thing he discovered is that there is minimal fun in it, meaning he realized that WR Rally is an example of a game so inept he could laugh.[21] A similar verdict score was given by MaciekGMP40, but he considered the game an alpha version of a production or a serious joke. Like Bartek, the only positive thing he found about the game was a smile of pity when he saw the game's bugs and glitches.[22]



Various videos


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=269s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=269s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=285s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=285s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=285s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=285s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=374s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=374s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=374s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=374s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=374s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=390s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=398s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=679s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=896s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=934s&ab_channel=BartekGM/
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=942s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=917s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg&t=468s&ab_channel=BartekGM
  20. https://www.gry-online.pl/gry/wr-rally/z73668
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-VnUYjEdg
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBxz-U8URVw


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