Aw Hell No! (Ren & Stimpy, 2024)

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Aw Hell No!
"Slam dunk! Home run! Back of the net! I’m drowning myself!"
— Caddicarus, episode “The INSANE World of Video Game Commercials”
Series: Ren & Stimpy (2024)
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 6a
Air Date: Unaired (episode got leaked on 4chan on May 3, 2024)
Writer: Jenny Jafre
Kelly Armstrong
Director: Bob Jaques
Previous episode: Ask Dr. Stupid: Toxic
Next episode: Squatters

Aw Hell No! is the first half of the sixth episode of Ren & Stimpy (2024).


A freak accident causes Ren and Stimpy to die. Stimpy later gets sent to heaven, but he is surprised to know that Ren got sent to hell instead of heaven, so Stimpy travels to hell to attempt to help Ren get allowed into heaven.

Why It Will Make You Say "Aw Hell No!" To This Episode

  1. The episode's plot is poorly executed, because it was interesting how Ren would torture sinners in hell, due to the fact that he has evil characteristics, but the execution is horribly done. This, along with Screentime, can be considered the worst offenders of the reboot's episodes written by Jenny Jafre.
  2. The animation in this episode, like the entire reboot, is very bad, mainly when it comes to tracing poses from the original series, such as at the beginning of this episode, where Stimpy's pose from the episode Stimpy's Invention was traced.
  3. Characters like Mr. Horse, the Fire Chief and the Salesman are wasted in a crude cameo appearance in this episode, where they only appear to kiss Satan and Ren's feet. While this was seen as a funny thing in old cartoons, nowadays it can be seen as foot fetish. This shows Jafre as a hypocritcal writer as she removed the relationship of Ren and Stimpy, first vore and now foot fetish?!
    • To make matters worse, the Salesman only appears in this episode, showing a waste of use of the characters in the Ren and Stimpy reboot.
  4. The voice acting is bad, not only of Billy West's poor voice acting as Ren and Stimpy due to his old age and his Ren and Stimpy's voices were ruined by COVID-19, Satan's voice provided by Sam Richardson is atrocious. The episode uses a lot of celebrity voices which not always a good thing because of how it can affect them.
  5. This is overall, a very boring episode to watch.
  6. Despite John K. make a surprising cameo, this can be also seen insulting to him despite it is understandable as he was a creepy guy, but it can also be seen hurtful to some Ren & Stimpy old fans.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The title card looks great and detailed.
  2. John K. make a good cameo despite it can be seen as insulting to him despite his creation of APC and him being a creep.


  • This episode spwaned Rempy fanart from Ren x Stimpy shippers who also didn't like the reboot, and were better received than the episode itself.



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