Books (Teen Titans Go!)

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Books (Teen Titans Go!)
This feels like a parody of an episode of a preschool show.
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 27
Air Date: October 2, 2013
Writer: John Loy
Director: Peter Rida Michail
Previous episode: The Left Leg
Next episode: Lazy Sunday

Books is the 27th episode of the 1st season of Teen Titans Go!.


The Titans discover the wonder of reading, but after opening a magical book that brings their thoughts to life, they are forced to fight against their own imaginations!

Why You Should Read Books, But Not This One.

  1. This episode is very infamous for its bad moral, the Titans acting like characters from a preschool show, and its nonsensical plot points. Details will be explained below.
  2. The whole beginning is annoying because they whine that they’re bored so Raven gives them books.
  3. Plot hole: How does a pelican book and an autobiography on Benjamin Franklin fuel the Titans’ imaginations when they’re clearly NONFICTION BOOKS?
  4. Beast Boy’s book song is terrible and it makes no sense because it’s ABOUT WHAT A BOOK ACTUALLY IS NOT WHAT HIS BOOK IS REALLY ABOUT. It sounds like an illiterate alien wrote it.
  5. They also give book clubs a bad name.
  6. The Titans finish their books desperately try to find more. Have they heard of a library or bookstore? They can get books from any of those places any time they like. The episode also provides no reasons why they can’t go to a bookstore or a library to get more books to read.
    • They also hate the idea of reading each other’s books because they’re “gross”.
    • Also, why would no other books be in the Tower? Raven is shown to own large amount of books and the Tower has a whole library with many books at its disposal. Why didn’t they ask Raven if they can borrow her books or go to the Tower library?
    • Also, why can't Raven just give the other Titans more books?
  7. Bad ending: The Titans find a cursed book, the book turns the characters in the Titans’ books to life and has a fight with them. They talk about their books and the monsters are defeated. They decide never to read again. Additionally the last scene where they stand there drags on for too long, which is longer than a typical modern Family Guy cutaway.
  8. Bad moral: Books are evil. To make matters worse, the moral returns in the episode, I’m The Sauce.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. At least the Titans learn to read.
  2. The “it’s a comic book” scene was admittedly hilarious and utilizes the comic book artstyle pretty well.
  3. The jazz music at the end of the episode is admittedly relaxing.
  4. When Aqualad calls out the episode’s “moral” in Let’s Get Serious, it feels good!


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