Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race (Game Boy)

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Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race
Muttley face on the cover art say it all.
Genre(s): Racing
Platform(s): Game Boy
Release Date: March 27, 1992
Developer(s): Altus
Publisher(s): Altus

Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race is a Racing game, published by Atlus, which was released in Japan in 1992. Unlike the NES version, where that version is a side-scroller platformer, this version is a racing game and had nothing to do with the NES game.

Why It Is Too Wacky (In A Bad Way)

  1. The framerate is absolutely abysmal, since it run at 10 fps, and there's never any time where it go more than 15 fps, this is also the reason of why this game is so bad in the first place, in fact it's give Doraemon Kart and Bokosuka Wars on NES a run for their money.
    • This reason alone ruin the game a lot, because if there would not being this problem, then the game might have been decent or at least much more tolerable than this.
    • Also, due to how sluggish the framerate is, you might even wonder if this game got tested before being released, and it is obvious that there wasn't any tests made to this game.
  2. Horrible controls, since they are extremely unresponsive, stiff and clunky at the same time, and they also are very sluggish due to how atrocious the framerate is, even Doraemon Kart 2 (Another awful racing game) play better than this.
    • This is also downright unnaceptable for a racing game, even for a Game Boy game, since racing game need good controls in order to be great or at least be designed with the poor controls, but here it had neither of these.
  3. The game is really long, and might take you 2 hours to beat, which isn't helped by how horribly bad the gameplay and the framerate is, and you might rage quit before finishing the game due to how bad it is.
  4. Ugly graphics that are a massive downgrade from those of the NES game, since here you doesn't even recognise the characters and the colors are poorly choosen, plenty of games released in 1992 for the Game Boy look better, such as Super Mario Land 2, Doraemon 2: Animal Wakusei Densetsu and Mega Man III.
  5. Absolutely atrocious gameplay that is very slow, repetitive and overall clunky, it is also probably the single worst gameplay out of a racing game due to how awful the framerate is, and also due to how horrible the controls are, thus making this game one of the worst game ever made.
    • It is also way too simplistic, even for a Game Boy game, and while this isn't a bad thing, it is here due to how repetitive the gameplay is, if you want more explaination, here what the gameplay is:
      • The only thing you need to do in this game is to press the button to race and hope for winning the race, yep that it, there isn't even any variaty in this game either.
  6. There isn't that much differences with the characters stats, and due to the framerate, it is even harder to tell if there's even some differences with the racers.
  7. The game is also rather unfaithful to the series, despite being a racing game this time, and while the NES game wasn't that faithful either due to being a platform game, it was still more faithful than this.
  8. While it wasn't a bad idea to make a different game for another console, they could have ported the NES game to the Game Boy instead, due to how bad this game is.
  9. Almost all of the levels feel the same, just a little changed, that it, making the game even more repetitive.
  10. Overall, due to how bad this game is, it ended up being the worst Wacky Races game ever made (even more than Mad Motors), and also ended up being not only one of the worst Hanna-Barbera game ever made and one of the worst Game Boy game ever made, but also one of the worst game of all time due to how awful it is.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The soundtrack is decent, but that doesn't really compare to the NES game.


Unlike the NES game, which received positive reviews, this game received an overwhelmingly negative reception with many critics and players saying that this game is one of the worst game of all time. It also called one of the worst Hanna-Barbera game ever made. it was criticized for it's poor controls, bad graphics, and horrible framerate.



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