Chip Off the Old Crock! (The Fairly OddParents)

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Chip Off the Old Crock!
Hey Crocker, Dr. Evil from Austin Powers called. He wants his Mini-Me back!
Series: The Fairly OddParents
Part of Season: 10
Episode Number: 165b
Air Date: June 28, 2017
Writer: Ellen Byron
Bob Colleary
Ray DeLaurentis
Lissa Kapstrom
Previous episode: Cat 'n Mouse
Next episode: Space-Cadad

"Chip Off the Old Crock!" is the twenty-fourth episode in Season 10 of The Fairly OddParents.


Mr. Crocker teaches his nephew Kevin Crocker how to become a Fairy Hunter. When Kevin manipulates Chloe to build a device which catches fairies, how will they get free?

Bad Qualities

  1. This episode introduces the viewer to Kevin Crocker, Mr. Crocker's nephew, who is just a lazy miniature version of Mr. Crocker himself and only exists for the sake of shoving in more Crocker-related jokes.
    • It doesn't help that the series already has a miniature version of Mr. Crocker himself: his mother.
    • Kevin's higher-pitched voice compared to Mr. Crocker is annoying as well.
  2. The photo of Chloe's grandmother having hair in her ear is disgusting.
  3. It's also just another forced 11-minute long Crocker episode.
  4. Repetitive jokes, such as Crocker trying to teach Kevin how to say the word "GAH", only for the latter to get it wrong, and Cosmo idiotically drawing attention to himself and Wanda by almost revealing their identities as fairies. Cosmo, are you trying to get yourself and Wanda taken away from Timmy and Chloe?
    • Speaking of which, Cosmo actually succeeds in getting himself and Wanda noticed and captured by Kevin. This shows how much the writers seemed to like dumbing down Cosmo's character.
  5. This episode only seems to exist to lash out at criticism fans were making towards the show for having Mr. Crocker shoehorned into the plots of many of the more recent episodes of the show even when such episodes show that Crocker is unnecessary for these episodes. Here this episode gives almost complete focus to Mr. Crocker, showing that the writers are refusing to listen to the Crocker shoehorning criticism.
  6. Timmy is unlikable in this episode as he refuses to have Kevin in his project team, until he hears that he can get an A+.

Good Qualities

  1. Sadly, this is the last episode to have the traditional hand-drawn animation, as the remaining episodes used cheap flash animation.
  2. It's one of the few Season 10 episodes where Mr. Turner doesn't appear.
  3. The relationship of Mr. Crocker and Kevin Crocker is heartwarming and nice.
  4. While Timmy is unlikable here as usual, he isn't as unlikable as his other season 9 and season 10 appearances, and he isn't bratty at all in "Chip Off the Old Crock!", which is great.
  5. Kevin Crocker, despite being pointless and as well a miniature version of Crocker, is actually likable.
  6. Some of the moments can be funny to laugh at, and Mr. Crocker can be funny at times here.



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