Hare Raiser (The Fairly OddParents)

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Hare Raiser
This really is a hair raiser. Chloe, Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda's hair literally rise in the title card.
Series: The Fairly OddParents
Part of Season: 10
Episode Number: 167a
Air Date: July 26, 2017
Writer: Ellen Byron
Bob Colleary
Ray DeLaurentis
Lissa Kapstrom
Previous episode: Summer Bummer
Next episode: The Kale Patch Caper

"Hare Raiser" is the twenty-seventh episode in Season 10 of The Fairly OddParents.


Despite Timmy's warnings, Chloe wants to free the supposedly "dangerous" class hare Mr. Cuddles.

Why It Raised Hair

  1. As described in the "Plot" section, Chloe frees Mr. Cuddles just because she thinks he's "cute" and "cuddly". Additionally, she doesn't get punished for this action.
    • Like usual, for the sake of plot contrivance, Cosmo and Wanda lose their wands. In this episode's case, Cosmo turns his and Wanda's wands into carrots (albeit, off-screen), only for them to get eaten by Mr. Cuddles, who transforms into a large monster and gives chase to everyone throughout the school. Cosmo and Wanda are now rendered useless for the rest of the episode.
      • As far as the plot itself goes, a majority of the episode is just the characters running away and trying to hide from Mr. Cuddles.
  2. Very unfunny running gags. Examples include a joke about the Shickadances moving and Cosmo making random shadow puppets.
  3. Mr. Cuddles randomly turning into a monster just for eating the aforementioned wands is nonsensical.
  4. Like usual, the writers hardly do anything with Mr. Crocker other than dumb him down as well as make unfunny and moronic jokes out of him, even letting him get captured by Mr. Cuddles due to Crocker eating the carrots that his nephew Kevin had stolen from Mr. Cuddles in the first place.
  5. The ending is just generic, unoriginal and out of nowhere. It's just a reveal that the monster is a female and has babies. It's been done millions of times in other cartoons.
  6. The way Kevin and Crocker got captured is extremely lazy.
  7. It was revealed that Timmy made finger bunny ears in one of the photos the reason Cuddles was angry, which is another attempt at being hip and cool for kids.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The title card design looks cool.
  2. "You have.. NOTHING IN YOUR BRAIN!"
  3. While Cosmo and Wanda lose their wands again, here, they are at least likable and retain their original personality from seasons 1-8 here, which is saying a lot, alongside with Timmy Turner having his original personality here.
  4. Although generic, it is at least a better ending. After all, mother animals are indeed defensive.


The episode, alongside its sister episode, currently holds a score of a 3.4 rating on IMDb.com, making it the second lowest rated Fairly OddParents episode on the aforementioned site.


  • The Shickadances had been mentioned back in Love at First Bark. And, according to this episode, they have moved out from Dimmsdale.




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