Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (season 2)
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Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (or just Kick Buttowski) is an American animated series created by Sandro Corsano for Disney XD. It aired on Disney XD from 2010 to 2012 with a total of 52 episodes across two seasons.
The first season were well received for their adventure, action, and comedy as the concept shows it was made for and it was intended to. But as the show continued from the second season the show has become more out of its context and how the show was supposed to be made since it was more focused on bad slapstick humor and the family relationship of The Buttowski.
Qualities That Quits
- The main problem with this season is that the essence of the show, which was the stunts, extreme sports, and unquestionable adventures is forgotten and instead it focuses more on the Buttowski Family and unfunny slapstick humor, making the episodes of this season, tedious and unbearable.
- Most of the main characters suffered from flanderization:
- Kick Buttowski and Gunther while they act the same as before, became complete punching bags and butt-monkeys for slapstick humor purposes, although they remain likable for the most part.
- Kick himself also doesn't do as many stunts as before.
- Harold Buttowski suffers by far one of the worst flanderization in this series out of all as he has gone from being a worried, goofy, overly caring and affectionate father to a cruel, petty, arrogant, despicable, idiot sociopath who only cares about his own self AND IS WILLING TO SACRIFICE HIS OWN FAMILY, ESPECIALLY HIS THREE CHILDREN TO REACH HIS GOALS. He, along with Hugh Test from the last three seasons of Johnny Test (2005) and Peter Griffin from Modern Family Guy, is known as one of the worst dad cartoon flanderizations of all time.
- Harold is the show's character who jumped the shark the most, especially on how he treats his wife and kids: He grounded Brad for thinking he broke the air conditioner, scared Brad and Kick with their cruel and sadistic horror stories, and even created one where his car and he murdered his entire family, hurt Brad with a ping pong ball and chased Kick over Honey's cookies, to the point where he dressed up as Gunther and destroyed it along with his wife, the properties of the neighborhood. And the icing on the cake: He outright tried to murdered his son, Kick with a giant robot.
- Honey Buttowski has gone from being a caring and protective former adventurer mother with her children to a petty and self-centered woman.
- Brad Buttowski went from being the mean older brother with poor hygiene who is obsessed with finding a girlfriend and was a figure who could be seen as a rival to Kick, but who also cared about Kick and the Buttowski family and had ties and emotional moments with them, to a coward who rarely acts his age and a traitor who manipulates others to make someone's life hell, although he's always been a middleweight jerk, he never got to that point in no moments from the previous season.
- Brianna Buttowski went from being a spoiled little sister yet she cared about Kick, to a selfish, idiotic, and obsessive child.
- Kendall has gone from being a tough, smart, aggressive, and short-tempered classmate, who cared more about Kick and had her romantic moments, to a petty manipulator who uses Kick as a daredevil for her gain and splinters with his life.
- Magnus Magnuson has gone from being a brutal, overly dramatic man and a stranger who can be easily offended or irritated, more than caring about the Magnuson family, to a nutshell jerk who punishes his son for petty reasons.
- Kick Buttowski and Gunther while they act the same as before, became complete punching bags and butt-monkeys for slapstick humor purposes, although they remain likable for the most part.
- As mentioned before, the stunts and extreme adventures have been toned down to focus more on the Buttowski family.
- The writing went from creative, action packed and funny to listless, rushed, poorly written, and stuffed with boring and unfunny slapstick jokes, and catastrophic resulting in many bad to mediocre episodes.
- There are lots of mean-spirited moments in this season, especially from Harold.
- Live In Wade includes Wade being mean-spirited to Kick because he wants to stay in the Buttowski's house, but ends up trashing his property, especially when the latter is doing stunts.
- The humor has gone from being creative and funny to outright mean-spirited, cruel and terribly unfunny.
- Most of the episodes in this part of the seasons are cruel and sadistic, and at the same time grotesque, due to a large part focusing on Kick and Gunther being tortured in cruel ways for stupid reasons, and featuring disgusting jokes, mainly involving Gunther's farts.
- Speaking of which, Gunther farts way more often than he did in the first season.
- The series came to rely heavily on clowning, meta-jokes, and fart jokes and began torturing certain characters for lazy comedy and unfunny slapstick humor.
- "Stay Cool" is considered by many to be the worst episode of this season amd series overall:
- Most of the episode involves Kick being tortured in cruel ways and for a stupid reason: Harold punished Brad for thinking he broke the air conditioner.
- Not to mention that the roles in this Episode are useless, dull, and empty, making the episode weak and boring.
- Last Fan Standing was an awful and lousy way to end the series (albeit in airing order), due to the episode being riddled with plot holes, having an awful ending, featuring two characters acting in annoying ways, as well as being yet another episode where Kick is cruelly tortured for no reason.
Qualities That Never Quits
- There are still a handful of funny moments here and there.
- Mouth, Emo Kid, and Wade are some of the characters that didn't get flanderized.
- Kick and Gunther remained likable characters as well, despite their flanderization to being giant butt-monkeys.
- Some new great and well-written characters introduced in this season like Javier who's a very competitive rival for Kick especially on spelling bees and Grandma Rosie who's a very funny prankster but a caring grandmother at the same time.
- The voice acting is still great for the most part, along with the flash animation.
- There's are still a handful of good episodes from this otherwise lackluster season such as:
- "Kickin' Genes"
- "Garage Banned"
- "Truth or Daredevil"
- "Sold!"
- "Faceplant!"
- "Luigi Vendetta"
- "Kart to Kart"
- "Pool Daze"
- "Detained"
- "Sleepover"
- "Kick or Treat"
- "Dead Man's Roller Coaster"
- "Sister Pact"
- "Shh!"
- "Attic-a"
- "Goodbye, Gully"
- "A Cousin Kyle Christmas" (The most heartwarming and possibly the best episode from this lackluster season)
- "Nerves of Steal"
- "Bwar and Peace"
- "Bad Table Manners"
- "Petrified!"
- "Crumbs!"
- "Trash Talk"
- "Kyle E. Coyote"
- "Rocked" (A decent way to end the series in production order)
Episodes With Their Own Pages
- "Live In Wade"
- "Power Play"
- "Brad's Room "
- "Snow Problem"
- "Free Gunther"
- "Poll Position"
- "Swap Meet"
- "Pinch Sitter"
- "Brad's Diary"
- "Stay Cool" (The worst episode out of all)
- "Big Mouth"
- "Only the Loan-ly"
- "Roll Reversal"
- "Locked Out "
- "Last Fan Standing" (Which ended this season and the series on a sour note)
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- Television
- Shows
- Bad seasons of good shows
- 2010s programs
- Animated shows
- Cartoons
- Seasons
- Mean-spirited shows
- Gross-out shows
- Disney
- Disney XD shows
- Disney Television Animation
- Aware of how bad they are
- American shows
- Unfunny shows
- Comedy shows
- Boring shows
- Hand-drawn animated shows
- Torture shows
- Quantity over quality
- Average shows
- Shows for everyone
- Abusing the franchise
- Cult shows
- Cancelled shows
- Shows with bad morals
- Shows with good morals
- Action shows
- Flash animated shows
- Shows that ended on cliffhangers
- Short-lived shows
- Chris Savino shows
- Mediocre media