Mouth Hole (Teen Titans Go!)

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Mouth Hole (Teen Titans Go!)
This had potential to be good, heck, a few shows did it with success. But the writers mess it up, terribly!
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 25
Air Date: January 8, 2015
Writer: Merrill Hagan
Director: Jeff Mednikow
Previous episode: The Best Robin
Next episode: Hot Garbage

Mouth Hole is the 25th episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


Robin goes on a quest to gain a new power: whistling.

Why It’s Mouthless

  1. Laughable/Weird Title: Although episode is about whistling, the episode is titled mouth hole because that’s what Starfire calls whistling, but she only uses the term ONE TIME. And granted, when someone whistles, their mouth does look like a hole. But the title can come off as weirdly sexual.
  2. The way the plot starts is terrible because the Titans have to whistle to call each other, why? Their communicators broke. How did they break? They were rather careless with them such as Beast Boy and Cyborg prank calling Raven and she breaks their communicators out of anger. This is a terrible way to justify the plot because it depicts the Titans as irresponsible as their carelessness can be corrected. It would’ve been better if the communicators broke of natural things or even accidents, like the battery died or it simply broke down with age. To make matters worse, they don’t even try to fix it.
  3. The Titans bully Robin because he can’t whistle and it’s very meansprited, it makes you feel bad for Robin. And it also makes this episode a Robin torture episode.
  4. Plot hole: If the Titans knew they broke their communicators ON THEIR OWN ACCORD, why didn’t they get new ones? Also, isn’t Cyborg the engineer of the team? He could’ve made them all new communicators, it’s better to take responsibility than just whistling to force a plot.
  5. The Titans communicating by whistling is not a good way to teach Robin how to whistle.
  6. Also, Robin’s right, how is whistling a good life skill? Cyborg and Beast Boy’s reasoning is not good either, while whistling is good to call a dog, there are other ways to call a taxi, like using the phone.
  7. The scene where Robin uses a slide whistle is annoying and it briefly rips off the SpongeBob episode, Slide Whistle Stooges, and that episode isn't that much better.
  8. Starfire trying to teach Robin how to whistle cruel because she nearly suffocates him, as his lips turn purple, indicating lack of oxygen.
  9. Tired of Robin’s whining, Raven sends him to the master of whistles, who is a blatant rip-off of Mrs. Potts from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Why hasn’t Disney sued Warner Bros. for using their character design?
  10. Bad ending: Robin’s whistling arouses Starfire and goes to kiss Robin, but the episode abruptly ends before it happens.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The whistling song is kinda nice and the visuals occasionally callback to the rubblehose era of animation. Which is pretty clever!
  2. The training montage of Robin learning how to whistle is fun to listen to.
  3. Robin is the only likable character in the terrible episode.


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