The Best Robin (Teen Titans Go!)

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The Best Robin (Teen Titans Go!)
More like “The Worst Robin”.
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 24
Air Date: December 4, 2014
Writer: Ben Joseph
Director: Jeff Mednikow
Previous episode: Thanksgiving
Next episode: Mouth Hole

The Best Robin is the 24th episode of the 2nd season of Teen Titans Go!.


When the other Titans are too lazy to fight Brother Blood, Robin calls out his special secondary team: Team Robin, a crime-fighting group made up of different Robins.

Why It's The Worst Robin

  1. Firstly, the central cause of the main plot is the fact that the Titans became lazy, and it’s executed laughably. Yep, we see they’re lazy because they are…. not fighting Brother Blood. However, they also are too lazy to eat, cook, etc. That’s taking it too far!
    • They also hardly show a single bit of caring, let alone personality difference, leaving Robin the only character who cares about what is going on. Remember, they are supposed to be superheroes
  2. The first few minutes of the episode serve no reason to exist other than to pad out the runtime of the episode, with the Titans doing.... ABSOLUTETLY NOTHING, what a bad first impression.
  3. Every single action scene in this episode is skipped, and then it transitions into a nonsensical scene, except for the scene where Team Robin does the other Titans' work. WHY?, the action scenes are the only parts that's nothing boring about this one episode, you can't do that.
  4. When Team Robin does the work for the other Titans that didn't care a bit about anything, they immediately began to care afterward, and try to break up Team Robin by using their helpfulness for their own lazy benefits, call the Robin that is helping them the best Robin while making their leader Robin look like the least efficient Robin. This absolutely proves how much lack of respect the other Titans have for Robin and shows how awful friends they are.
  5. Plot hole: Where or how did Robin get his secondary team? (Which is 4 different versions of himself) It was never explained in the episode, they just come out of nowhere.
  6. Beast Boy’s infamous line: “Always trick your friends into doing things for you.” and Cyborg follows up by stating that his FATHER HAD THE SAME PHILOSOPHY DURING HIS CHILDHOOD. That’s an awful lesson to teach children!
  7. The whole scene where the Robins are care for the other titans is very cringey.
  8. The pizza race for the Robins is very pointless.
  9. Beast Boy forgetting how to eat is pathetic.
  10. The scene where the titans get kidnapped off-screen (because, why not) is just pathetic and they never got the Robins back to rescue them.
    • They are tied in a rope... which they obviously don't break out of easily because it would ruin the plot of the episode.
  11. Pathetic Ending: The other Titans state that they will change their laziness, is pointless since they never truly learn their lessons in this show.
  12. They made it worse when the episode "Flashback" (despite being good) turned the Silver Age Robin into the original Robin.

Best Qualities

  1. The Robins were happy working together as a team of people who share one codename at first (before they were manipulated by the Titans).
  2. Robin is the only likable character because he tried to get the Titans to do things for themselves again.
    • The Tim Drake, Silver Age, and Carrie Kelley Robins are also likable.
  3. The scene where Super Robin rescues the titans and beats the living daylights out of Brother Blood was very cool.


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