Talk:Caillou (Seasons 1-2)

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Latest comment: August 7, 2023 by SpaceProtagonist in topic Plans for setting up the page
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Plans for setting up the page

  • I knew someone would go ahead and place the series on here, which is why I've been thinking about how the show's page is being set up. I have a proposition for you, admins, and I think you'll find it... very interesting. SpaceProtagonist (talk) 00:47, July 31, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Really, what's that? Robin1020th (talk) 00:59, July 31, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

also i thought i removed this because it doesn't follow the rules of copy and pasting, it's too similar without any differences. Robin1020th (talk) 01:13, July 31, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

  • Alright, so we both know that Caillou has a... questionable reputation among various audiences and adults for a number of reasons, including the title character being a bad role model, forgettable characters, and lackluster storylines. And reading a lot of the reasoning on the show's page on here, it's understandable why people would dislike the series. However, most of the complaints seem to be from the show's earlier seasons, and as someone who partially grew up with the show and show a couple of episodes (mostly episodes the later seasons), I can say from experience that the episodes from the later seasons aren't actually all that bad, especially since Caillou himself is more mellowed out in this era. I came out of there fine, and was fortunate enough to not pick up on his bad behavior he may have previously had. But, when the page is set up like this and you're talking about the entire show as if it were one single entity, unfamiliar readers who come across this page may assume that the entire show is bad, despite the fact that most of the issues adults complain about for the show are in the early seasons. The later seasons seem to be a mild improvement over the beginning, and I say "mild" because, that era has its own set of problems (i.e.: still even forgettable characters, and lackluster storylines, flash animation in the very late seasons, the title character not being very interesting, even if he is better behaved, barely having much to make it stand out from the crowd). Still, is it really fair that the entire show gets demeaned, if the writers were at least trying to make an improvement? I don't think so. I still think it's important to give credit where credit is due. (For instance, the show had a made-for-TV Christmas movie released during the later seasons, and you don't hear a lot of people complaining about that film, plus I thought it was actually well done) So here's my proposition admins: I believe the show had some kind of cutting off point that separate the infamous dark era that most people think of when they hear the name "Caillou", and the "lighter shade of black" (yeah, the name needs work) era that's not actually that harmful and features simplistic but mostly innocent stories. I say we find that "cutting off point" and create separate pages for both of those eras. Obviously the early seasons can still be considered "bad media", but maybe the later seasons could be considered "subpar/mediocre media". Not the best PBS Kids has to offer, but not the worst either. (That's a thing on here, right?) Again, the later seasons have their own set of problems, but they're not as severe as the other seasons. SpaceProtagonist (talk) 13:11, July 31, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Sounds good, what are these so called "dark eras" though, 1997-2003? Robin1020th (talk) 13:36, July 31, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Alright, so after giving it some thought, I feel like the real seasons to be worried about would be the first two seasons, and maybe season 3. Seasons 4 and 5 aren't nearly as bad as certain parents may make it out to be, despite their flaws. Besides, if the later seasons were able to gain a fanbase on Sprout, the writers had to have done something right. Now for the tricky part: finding enough content to be able to fill out both pages without sounding desperate. This may take quite a bit of time, but maybe it'll put out some flames on this monstrous burning fire that is the toxic hatedom of this show.SpaceProtagonist (talk) 00:39, August 7, 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]