Thérèse (Titeuf)

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What an awful way to start an otherwise bad season, with the first episode being litteraly a torture episode for Titeuf.
Series: Titeuf
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 1
Air Date: February 13, 2016
Writer: David Garcia
Director: David Garcia
Next episode: Justice makers

Thérèse is the first episode from the season 4 of Titeuf.


One morning, a new student arrives at school. Her name is Thérèse and doesn't seem very intelligent. The mistress decides to place the little girl next to Titeuf, who is forced to take her under his wing. He doesn't like his mission...

Why Titeuf Doesn't Like His Mission

  1. One of the main problems with this episode is that it's not only a torture episode but also introduces one of the worst characters of the entire franchise, which will be explained in WTDLHM #2. Not to mention that it's the first episode of the season and that it's also starting with a torture episode, which would make for an extremely bad first impression to start a TV show with a torture episode.
  2. Thérèse is an incredibly bad character that is as bad as Nadia (for this season only), as she is so dumb to the point that even Titeuf is smarter and got annoyed. Sure, some characters in the franchise are dumb, but she takes it to the next level.
    • She is also not only dumb but also an annoying character that almost ruined the chances with Titeuf being in couple with Ramatou; her idiocy is also extremely annoying too, and she also made Titeuf made on a lot of occasions.
    • She's also unlikable at times, especially in the ending where she says that the boys can be idiots for no reasons other than how dumb she is, which is of course not true, and it's also very offensive to the male public. How did a Titeuf episode be this offensive?!
      • Now true, some boys can be idiots if they really are but here, Titeuf was just try to explain to Ramatou his love for her, howewer due to how stupid she is, she say that Titeuf is an idiot, when it wasn't.
  3. The title card, even by the standards of season 4, is very awful to look at, and it even feel like it's been drawn by a 4-year-old kid. Yes, it's this bad. Also, it's made Thérèse look completely different than in the episode itself.
  4. Due to how annoying Thérèse is with Titeuf, this episode feels like a 7-minute torture episode for Titeuf, as he had to tell even the simplest things to Thérèse, such as writing her name, but she still doesn't even understand what Titeuf is trying to explain, or the other moment where Titeuf almost loses the chances of him with Ramatou due to Thérèse kissing Titeuf when he doesn't even want, this makes for a horrible first impression for an already terrible season of a great show.
  5. It's also started season 4 on a horrible note and also started the downfall of the Titeuf franchise due to the fact that season 4 is the last thing of the franchise with the exception of a terrible remake of the game Titeuf: Mega Compet that was released in 2019 called Titeuf: Mega Party. It also doesn't help that season 4 is pretty bad.
  6. The pacing is quite boring since it's way too slow, and it doesn't help that the episode has a ton of scenes that are just here to pad the length of the length of the episode..
  7. Not to mention that due to how much Thérèse annoyed Titeuf in class, the latter had gone mad at Thérèse in class, and due to that, the teacher kicked Titeuf out of the class for a bit, which made everything much worse considering that if it weren't for the teacher giving a seat to Thérèse right to Titeuf, then this would not happen in the first place, as she should have known that when Titeuf got mad at Thérèse, it wouldn't work at all. Thankfully, in some of the latter episodes, other characters would get a seat right to Titeuf, such as his friends.
  8. The voice acting for some of the characters is really awful, especially the voice of Thérèse, which doesn't really sound like a girl and sounds more like a man suffering from puberty, or some of the scenes where Titeuf yells and is completely annoyed, but still not as much as the former.
  9. The teacher is really unlikable in this episode, as she forces Titeuf to explain to Thérèse some things related to school. This would not be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he had a hard time explaining and got annoyed very easily due to Thérèse's stupidity, and due to how much he got annoyed, as said before, he had to leave the class until he was less mad.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Despite how horrible of a character Thérèse is, at least she took the letter from Titeuf to Ramatou, and due to that, the latter got a kiss from Ramatou.
  2. Decent ending: After Thérèse took the letter from Titeuf to Ramatou, he got a kiss from Ramatou, and he imagined some nice moments of him with her and dreaming; however,  due to that, he got yelled once again for the teacher.
  3. Titeuf and his friends are likeable for the most part, despite Titeuf being annoyed a lot in this episode.
  4. There aren't any gross-out moments, unlike most episodes of season 4.



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