Thanksgetting (Teen Titans Go!)

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Thanksgetting (Teen Titans Go!)
Thanksgiving and this episode are reasons why this show makes fun of holidays..
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 43
Air Date: November 17, 2017
Previous episode: Demon Prom
Next episode: The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular!

Thanksgetting is the forty-third episode in the fourth season of Teen Titans Go! and the two-hundredth overall episode of the series.

Why We Aren't Thankful

  1. Beast Boy being thankful for poop and singing about poop is very disgusting and is unsanitary. How did they get away with this? Yes, there are some poop jokes in some kids' shows, but they never overdo it.
  2. The power trip part is pointless.
  3. The way the Titans celebrate Thanksgiving feels more like a parody to dump on Thanksgiving than actually celebrating it. (It feels like a gag that would be more at home in modern Family Guy)
  4. Thanksgetting doesn't even exist, and it's just the Titans being ungrateful.
  5. The electric bit can also be pointless and annoying. Especially the electric scratching post, when that doesn't even exist!
  6. Bad Ending: Towards the end, the turkey jumpscares the viewer and is now a literal abomination.
  7. The plot is bland and stale like any typical TTG episode would have.
  8. The tight buns part is very disgusting and was not needed at all.
  9. As stated in the first reason, there is toilet humor in Beast Boy's song singing about poop.
  10. Bad Moral: Be as ungrateful as you want on Thanksgiving.
  11. What matters worse is that The Patrick Star Show would make fun of Teen Titans Go! by insulting this episode's title in "Thanks But No Thanksgiving."
    • What matters even worse is that both episodes teach bad morals.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. At least this episode was a bit better than Thanksgiving, but that's not saying much.
  2. Thankfully, Robin calls out Beast Boy, more than once in the episode for being thankful for poop and singing about it. Robin said exactly what we're thinking.
  3. The voice acting is decent as usual.
  4. Funny moments


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