The Card (SpongeBob SquarePants)

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The Card

Yep, Patrick is at it again.
Series: SpongeBob SquarePants
Part of Season: 6
Episode Number: 113b
Air Date: November 8, 2008
Writer: Luke Brookshier
Nate Cash
Steven Banks
Previous episode: Krusty Krushers
Boating Buddies (193-620)
Next episode: Dear Vikings
The Krabby Kronicle (193-622)

"SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes."

Patrick's infamous quote from the episode.

The Card is an episode from the sixth season of SpongeBob SquarePants.


Patrick buys a pack of cards which are the rare trading cards, and SpongeBob is determined to protect it.

Why It Shouldn't Buy Any More Cards

  1. This episode is infamous for being a very annoying SpongeBob torture episode.
  2. Patrick's idiocy is at one of its highest points in the series, as he acts carelessly by frequently putting the rare card #54 in constant danger and throwing it into the fire despite SpongeBob's warnings.
  3. Patrick's notorious line, where he tells SpongeBob not to always expect "his usual brand of stupidity" and that he enjoys mixing it up to keep SpongeBob on his toes, suggests that Patrick's foolishness is a ruse to excuse his misdeeds. This notion contradicts the established idea that Patrick's stupidity is unintentional, raising questions about whether this line is simply poor writing or intended as a joke.
    • Patrick's self-awareness of his own foolishness is highlighted in the "Tentacle-Vision" episode, where, upon being asked by Squidward, "Just how stupid are you?" he responds, "It varies."
  4. This episode misses the opportunity to tell many good jokes like Card Gags.
    • Several scenes do nothing but waste the viewer's time, notably SpongeBob withdrawing money from the bank as well as opening packs to get card #54.
  5. Some scenes are very annoying such as SpongeBob crying excessively after seeing what happened to his favorite card and Patrick stupidly damaging the card by putting it into very dangerous conditions.
  6. Really bad ending twist: This is a giant kick in the teeth. You've already known that most of the episode is about Patrick doing beyond-stupid things with the #54 card, SpongeBob is so worried about the #54 card all along, and then it turns out that, "Oh, actually, Patrick had all five of the #54 cards the whole time.".
    • What's funnier about it, this is supposed to be guessed that's all fine and good, but it makes this whole episode extremely pointless. If Patrick destroyed that card earlier on in the episode, then there would've been nothing at all.
    • Even though the clerk told SpongeBob that there was more than one card that SpongeBob had for some reason forgotten about, Patrick didn't even tell SpongeBob this fact earlier. Luke Brookshier, Nash Cash and Steven Banks just makes Patrick's character here even worse.
      • Patrick never apologized to SpongeBob for destroying one of the cards, nor did he get punished for his actions, thus making him a karma houdini.
  7. The close-up of Patrick's teeth, when after brushing the card, looks so disgusting and nauseous to look at.
  8. Continuity error: SpongeBob and Patrick are often depicted as avid fans of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, but in this particular episode, Patrick shows no interest in them whatsoever.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The design of the #54 card is pretty nice, and so is the #54 card's amazing line, "Mermaid Man says: BUY MORE CARDS!"
    • Patrick's line, "SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keep you on your toes.", can come across as funny if not taken seriously.
  2. SpongeBob is a likable character in this episode.
  3. In the end, Patrick is shown to be a true friend to SpongeBob since he gives the other card #54 to SpongeBob, which is a good ending since Patrick realizes he had five #54 cards after unpackaging his card pack.


  • Mr. Enter considered The Card his most hated "Patrick's a Prick" episode, behind "Pet Sitter Pat".
  • Ethan Broussard considered it his least favorite episode of Season 6.
  • Viewers found this episode disgraceful due to the unintended unfortunate implication of Patrick claiming he was doing everything on purpose.



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