The Three Smurfketeers (The Smurfs, 1981)

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The Three Smurfketeers (The Smurfs, 1981)
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 7
Air Date: October 2, 1982
Previous episode: "Revenge of the Smurfs"
Next episode: "Heavenly Smurfs"

"The Three Smurfketeers" is an episode of The Smurfs. It aired on October 2, 1982 on NBC.

Why It’s Less Than Three

  1. This episode does not include Gargamel, Azrael or any of the other regular villain characters. The Smurfs are the only starring characters of the story.
  2. The plot is nothing more than a watered down adaptation of both The Three Musketeers and Romeo and Juliet combined, without anything interesting added to the plot other than predictable jokes and one-liners.
  3. While miscast as the antagonist, Scaredy isn't a fit role for a menacing villain, does absolutely nothing throughout the episode and is defeated easily.
    • It would have been better if some other Smurf played the villain for the role.
  4. Compared to contemporary Smurfs episodes adapted from comic stories and original ones, the plot is far from original and focuses on Smurfs doing a play.
  5. This episode could've worked better as part of the Fractured Fairy Tales segments than a Smurfs episode.
  6. The names "Smurfingham" and "Smurfington" can be painfully punny to some.
  7. Except for the beginning, Grouchy Smurf is absent throughout the entire episode, making his appearance feel pointless.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Good animation and voice acting, as usual.
  2. Most of the Smurfs are tolerable.


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