Thick as an Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy)

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Thick as an Ed
If you thought gross-out moments involving Ed are over, think again!
Series: Ed, Edd n Eddy
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: Season: 15
Overall: 92
Air Date: January 30, 2004
Writer: Danny Antonucci

Jono Howard

Director: Danny Antonucci
Previous episode: The Good Ol' Ed
Next episode: Sorry, Wrong Ed

"Thick as an Ed" is the first half of the eighth episode on the fourth season of Ed, Edd n Eddy, and is the 92nd episode in the series overall. It first aired on January 30, 2004.


Ed's 57-day-old lucky cheese chunk, Sheldon, is hindering the Eds' latest scam as Ed and Edd were constantly bickering over it.

Why It Stinks

  1. To get the elephant out of the room first, this episode is by far the grossest, most vomit-inducing episode in the whole series as it involves Ed's moldy cheese, Sheldon throughout.
    • Even worse, Ed kept it in his pocket for 57 days, which could explain why his jacket stinks early on.
    • Edd's line, "That's disgusting, Ed!" very much sums up what we think of it.
    • Even a few animals die from Sheldon's horrible odor, which are Edd's fly and some fish.
    • It's also the reason why the Eds' frog-jumping derby is completely foiled.
  2. It also comes off as yet another Edd torture episode (sound familiar?). Because whenever Edd comes into contact with Sheldon's odor, he either does a swansong (and fainting) or graphically disintegrating!
  3. Ed is a bit unlikable in this episode as he gets in arguments with Edd, who he insults by constantly calling him "stinky hat".
  4. Plot holes:
    • How did Edd suddenly get his shower out in the open? Is it portable somehow?
    • How did Ed's clothes float in midair after he jumped out of them?
    • Why does Ed want to trade his jacket for Edd's beanie even though the former says the hat stinks?
  5. Ed in his female frog disguise came off as creepy and inappropriate as he wears a bra.
  6. An infamous and nauseating scene in which Ed KISSES Sheldon (gross!), despite the fact that moldy foods like that can cause serious health issues, especially when eaten!
  7. Sarah only appears once early on and serves no purpose in the episode (other than the fact that she wants Ed to take her to Jimmy's).
  8. Bad Moral: Moldy foods apparently bring good luck.
  9. Terrible ending: After Eddy throws Sheldon into the creek (which results in fish dying), Ed gets out his rotten fish skeleton, Angus, resulting in yet another argument between him and Edd.
  10. Horrible beginning: Soon as the episode started, the first few minutes of the episode shows nothing but Sarah screaming and yelling at Ed to get up and calls him stupid before she walks away to Jimmy's house getting written out of the episode, before Ed was getting smacked again this time by Eddy and gets told the same thing.

Not So Stinky Qualities

  1. Edd is likable, as always.
    • Eddy is also tolerable. (It's also interesting that he's the only sane man for once)
  2. A few funny moments (including Ed's dream scene).
  3. Ed does get a minor comeuppance when Eddy chucks Sheldon into the creek.
  4. Thankfully Sarah got written off the rest of the episode as it continued.


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