I'm the Sauce (Teen Titans Go!)

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I'm the Sauce
Probably the stupidest episode in the entire series.
Series: Teen Titans Go!
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 6
Air Date: September 3, 2015
Writer: Caldwell Tanner
Director: Bryan Newton
Previous episode: Spice Game
Next episode: Hey You, Don't Forget About Me in Your Memory

I’m the Sauce is the 6th episode of the 3rd season of Teen Titans Go!.


Stuck inside because of bad weather, the Titans play rainy day games after Robin convinces them that indoor activities will cheer up the clouds and make the rain stop.

Why It's Not The Sauce

  1. Bad title: The title has nothing to do with sauce but rain, it’s named after a line Raven said at the end of the episode.
  2. The beginning is literally a rehash of the episode, Books because the episode opens with the Titans reading books and Robin acting like an angry parent who caught their child playing video games. He literally blows up all the books the Titans are reading and yells at them to go outside. Thus repeating the “books are bad” lesson. The writers NEVER LEARN.
  3. How the plot starts also feels forced because after the Titans step outside it IMMEDIATELY STARTS RAINING.
  4. The Spaghetti Dance Robin does is very annoying, even Cyborg himself pointed that out.
  5. Plot hole: Since when did the Titans get a cafeteria monitor when it was stated in previous episodes that they manage their own food?
  6. Speaking of which, Starfire calling the chocolate milk that cafeteria monitor sent brown milk is disgusting because milk does turn brown after sitting out for years. Starfire should know what chocolate is so this does not excuse it.
  7. Robin is also highly unlikable in the episode because he forces the Titans to not read books, and when he wants the other Titans to ask how rain works he does so by REPEATEDLY BEATING BEAST BOY WITH HIS STAFF.
  8. The episode gets stupid after this because Robin says rain happens because the clouds get sad and cry and people have to do “rainy activities” to cheer them up. Clouds can’t see inside!
  9. The Titans playing heads up 7 up with the villains makes no sense.
  10. The "rainy day activities" can be done regardless of the weather.
  11. Ridiculous ending: The Titans miss the rain and bully a cloud, they cause a thunderstorm and they have to do the spaghetti dance to cheer the cloud up. The cloud explodes into a rainbow and the episode just abruptly ends.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The "rainy day activities" look fun.


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