The Ren & Stimpy Show: Space Cadet Adventures

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The Ren & Stimpy Show: Space Cadet Adventures
Ren and Stimpy first video game adventure, and it is already a really rough start.
Genre(s): Platform
Platform(s): Game Boy
Release Date: November 1992
Developer(s): Imagineering Inc
Publisher(s): THQ
Series: Ren & Stimpy
Successor: The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!

The Ren & Stimpy Show: Space Cadet Adventures is a video game based on The Ren & Stimpy Show cartoon series. It was released on Game Boy in November 1992 and is the first game based on the Ren & Stimpy franchise.


Ren "Commander" Hoek and Stimpson J. Cat (aka Cadet Stimpy) aboard their space ship on their 9,999 day mission. Ren goes out to cook hot dogs on the engines, then asks Stimpy to open the hatch. Stimpy accidentally cuts his lifeline and the adventure begins.

"You EEDIOT!" Qualities

  1. For starter, the controls are probably the main reason of why the game is that mediocre, as while they aren't really that stiff and unresponsive, they are horribly sluggish to the point of nearly ruining the game, and could almost be compared to the Game Boy port of Veediots! (although that game was much worse than this).
    • The jump controls are what make this game an extreme chore to play since they are extremely slow, and a full jump could take 3 seconds just for jumping the highest! Not even Veediots! on Game Boy was this sluggish on the jump controls.
      • And that's pretty much why the game is hard to play, since if you can't be used to these controls, then you will found the game to be terrible, or even unplayable for some, due to how sluggish they are.
    • The movements, while not clunky and unresponsive as said before, this is for the most part since here at times, the controls might be unresponsive or clunky for some, until you are used to the controls of this game, this combined with the sluggish jump control make it for a terrible controls sheme.
  2. The soundtrack, while not terrible, is very repetitive and at times it can sound extremely ear bleeding, due to either having poor composition or because of being way too loud, speaking of that, the soundtrack in this game is loud so prepare to suffer from the musics if you had a hard time with loud sounds.
  3. The difficulty is incredibly unbalanced, at times the game might be too easy, while for the most parts, it is very hard but for stupid reasons, to the point of being as bad as Time Warp and Veediots!, both on the SNES.
    • Most of the time, the reason why you die is because of poor obstacles and enemies placements, since they are so bad that not only does Stimpy had a hard time to dodge them due to how sluggish the controls are, but also because they move faster than you, making this being extremely annoying, and show how poorly designed the game is.
    • The controls are also responsable of why the game is that hard, since at times to dodge something, you need to time out your jump perfectly, which is hard due to BQ#1.1, and this could be one of the reasons why you would get a game over.
    • The Ren level is the most noticeable, since there is so many badly placed enemies and there are enemies all over the place, including some horrible platforming sections that are some of the worst in the entire game, and the hit-detection is somehow even more abysmal than it already is.
  4. While the game over is a nice reference to the ending of the Space Madness episode, it can be extremely disturbing to see due to having no sound whatsoever and because of the fact that the animation of it is a bit sluggish, this is especially true with the little kids that could do nightmare because of this.
  5. Abysmal framerate that is very sluggish, just like the controls, and this is especially noticeable when there is too much enemies, or even when playing normally, though it isn't nearly as bad as Veediots! on Game Boy.
  6. The hit-detection is extremely bad, even for a Imagineering game, since most of the time you get hit when it is easy to see that you didn't touched the enemy but you still get a contact with it anyways, or sometime you will attack but it will doing nothing, in fact the hit-detection is so bad that it is comparable to Buckeroo$! on SNES (which isn't any better).
  7. For some reasons, there's no boss fights in the entire game, not even a final boss, much like most of the Ren & Stimpy games out there.
  8. Your weapon is incredibly poor, since it is very small projectile and you barely had any hit-detection with it, making it hard to hit enemies.
  9. The gameplay as expected from the jump controls, is very slow and boring when you play it for more than 20 minutes, there isn't any variaties, not any shoot 'em up levels, not any bosses as stated before and the level design doesn't help either, in fact it is even slower-paced than Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Höek and Stimpy (though that one was decent), and the controls is what make the gameplay so sluggish in the first place.
  10. The sound effects are even worse than the soundtrack, since they are extremely ear bleeding, annoying and ear bleeding, not to mention that some of them we're reused from other Imagineering games, and the new ones also suck due to the reason stated above.
  11. The level design is a mixed bag, it's very uninspired at best and terrible at worst, since not only does the enemies are poorly placed but at times even the platforming sections are awful and some of the levels are confusing, this is especially noticeable with the Ren level that had the worst level design of the entire game.
  12. It is incredibly short, lasting only 25 minutes or 30 minutes, though this is the length for the experts, the difficulty make the length longer due to how terribly unbalanced it is.
  13. Awful ending, it is just a cutscenes where Ren treat Stimpy as a eediot and then it end with a end cutscene where we can see Ren slap Stimpy until the credits start.

"Happy Happy Joy Joy!" Qualities

  1. The graphics are quite decent for a Game Boy game released in 1992, as it had good sprite work and the game itself is detailled for a Game Boy game.
  2. The game includes a poster in the box, which is very neat.
  3. The cutscenes look great for a Game Boy game and are some of the best looking graphics of not only this game but also from a Game Boy game, as it is very detailled and faithful to the art style of the show.
  4. The voice clip sound quite clean for a Game Boy game, such as the "You Eediot!" from Ren, and while it doesn't sound similar to the show real voice, it still do a good job and they are way better than in Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly, another Imagineering game.
  5. The game can be fun if you are used to the controls, and the controls are responsive at least, though they might be a bit clunky.


The game received mixed to negative reviews by critics, the game was praised for it's graphics but criticized for it's controls, the soundtrack and level design, it was also said to be way too short and unbalanced.


  • This is the first game based on a Nickelodeon franchise, and is the first Nicktoons based-game.



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