Hand Me Down Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy)

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Hand Me Down Ed
Honestly, did the folks at Cartoon Network forget that they're making a kids' show, and not a cartoon aimed at adults?
Series: Ed, Edd n Eddy
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: Season: 20
Overall: 97
Air Date: February 13, 2004
Writer: Danny Antonucci
Jono Howard
Director: Danny Antonucci
Previous episode: Run for Your Ed
Next episode: Stiff Upper Ed

"Hand Me Down Ed" is the 20rd episode of season 4, and the 97th episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy.


A mysterious, out-of-the-blue boomerang flies into the cul-de-sac, and anyone who touches it has their personalities changed.

Why It's a Distasteful Dullard

  1. Like its first half, "Run for Your Ed", it's yet another filler episode. Plus, the boomerang incident was never mentioned again.
    • In fact, you could remove both episodes from the entire series, and nothing would be any different.
  2. The episode also feels like a torture episode of the Eds as they get their personalities constantly changed by the boomerang, though your mileage may vary.
  3. It's infamous for having pedophilic humor and child pornography in a kid's show, albeit censored, that involves Edd stripping his clothes off until he eventually becomes naked at the end, which is WAY too inappropriate for a kids' show, and it even angered numerous parents, and fans of the series. Are the writers secretly pedophiles, and have they not learned their mistakes from, "Pop Goes the Ed", "Rent-a-Ed", and "Stop, Look and Ed"?!
    • How this episode got accepted by Cartoon Network is a complete mystery since this feels more like an adult cartoon than a children's show, and it's something you'd expect from Allen Gregory or one of the bad episodes of modern Family Guy.
    • Even worse, it's speculated that this episode may have inspired the writers of Teen Titans Go! to make an episode with underage nudity as well!
    • It's even more infuriating to see that this episode gets a few reruns instead of getting banned from airing again!
  4. The scene at the beginning in which Kevin destroys Jimmy's toys is very mean-spirited, though it can be justified karma for the latter for what he did earlier.
  5. The Eds' scam is ruined thanks to Eddy's motherly personality from being transformed by the boomerang.
  6. The other kids served no other purpose in this episode except for filler.
  7. Disgustingly bad ending: The Eds get pinned to a tree by the boomerang, transforming into their different personalities. Worse, Edd took off his underwear at this point, as mentioned above.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Rolf acting like an opera singer is funny.
  2. Kevin at least got karma for his actions, when Jimmy beat the snot out of him, under the boomerang's influence.


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