Naked Beach Frenzy (Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon")

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Naked Beach Frenzy
The episode where Katie Rice got sexually harassed while working on it.
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 4
Air Date: July 18th, 2006 (DVD)
Writer: John Kricfalusi
Mike Kerr
Jeff Amey
Caroline J. Alvarez
Director: John Kricfalusi
Previous episode: "Fire Dogs 2"
Next episode: "Altruists"

"Naked Beach Frenzy" is the fourth episode of Ren & Stimpy "Adult Party Cartoon". This episode is one of three that did not air on television in North America, along with "Altruists" and "Stimpy's Pregnant".


Ren sexually harasses some attractive young women on the beach.

Why It's a Frenzy (in a Bad Way)

Since this episode promotes sexual harassment with implied pedophillia, and involves a sexualized Katie Rice (who is John Kricfalusi’s victim), do not add redeeming qualities on this page. Anyone who does so will get their edits reverted.
  1. As the title implies, it overuses offensive, disgusting, unfunny, gross, and irritating "humor" about nudity and sexual harassment, not to mention graphic and unfunny toilet humor, which makes sense, considering John Kricfalusi's history, if you could even call the episode's comedy "humor".
  2. All what this abomination focuses on is Ren acting like a pervert to some women on the beach without any sort narrative.
    • This is also a disturbing promotion of sexual harassment, which happens in real life and is absolutely NOT funny. Because in reality, you can get arrested and/or sued for sexual harassment. It also doesn't really help that the creator, John Kricfalusi, actually committed sexual harassment.
    • Ren is technically a dog, so humans having sex with animals is considered bestiality and zoophillia.
      • On that topic, dogs that sexually harass women on the beach, whether intentional or not, can be caught by animal control authorities and get sent to the pound, or worse, get euthanized.
  3. The "My ball!" line has gotten extremely annoying and grating after the first three times, and gets on your nerves really quickly from the fourth time onwards.
  4. Continuing from the previous pointer, this episode has a majority of annoying dialogue and scenes that drag for way too long, giving Ratatoing a run for its money in bad editing.
  5. Misogyny:
    • All the female characters in this episode are hypersexualized stereotypes, which is extremely offensive to women.
  6. The cashier Stimpy is talking to is a bland Mexican stereotype who has very little purpose to do anything with the story.
  7. The male lifeguard looks pretty gross and ugly. He also has hair all over on his body (including his butt), which is pretty disgusting to look at.
  8. The voice acting is bad on almost all parts, especially from the women due to how screechy they are.
  9. The animation here is pretty awful, worse quality than in previous episodes and gets rather ugly and disgusting to look at with every frame gruesomely drawn.
  10. A handful of the scenes are either cringeworthy, gross, and/or downright disturbing to watch:
    • The infamous shot of a topless lady near the Directed by John K. in the title card! We're not joking!
    • Ren has an erection in one scene, and the towels are placed on his penis. Yes, really.
    • There's the Shampoo Master with a faucet on his crotch, spilling white Shampoo to make it look like it's semen
    • The infamous shower scene, where it involves Katie Rice as one of the girls and Ren secretly grooms her by washing her in the breasts and waxing her crotch. We're not joking.
    • We even see Stimpy in a pair of small thong panties.
    • A whole scene of women wrestling over Stimpy, with the word "retard" (which is considered as an ableist slur) being said only once in one line. Not even Tom and Jerry would be that offensive.
      • "Is that a retard?" Does this line not make you feel offended?
  11. Confusing and nonsensical title card.
  12. It is heavily implied that the women on the beach are TEENAGERS, because the lifeguard calls them "kids", basically showing off hidden messages of ephebophilia.
  13. Plot holes:
    • How did Ren get away with him trying to sexually harass some women on the beach before the lifeguard showed up?
    • How were Ren and Stimpy (who are both male characters) allowed in a women's room?
  14. This episode feels more like a NSFW trollfic rather than a Ren & Stimpy episode or even an APC episode for that matter.
    • In fact, it's also considered as pornography and can be found on certain porn websites.


"Naked Beach Frenzy" was universally panned by the majority of critics, fans of the original cartoon, and audiences for the inappropriate and unfunny humor. It has a 3.1/10 on IMDb. Despite negative reception, well-known cartoon devotee Thad Komorowski was more favorable on the episode, giving it four out of five stars on his Sick Little Monkeys: The Unauthorized Ren & Stimpy Story book.


  • Fans asked John Kricfalusi to add more beautiful human women for this episode.
    • Katie Rice (who was a big Ren and Stimpy fan and later became a storyboarder on shows like The Mighty B! and El Tigre) did the animation for the beach women, and did the voice for one of them. She was also sexually harassed by John K.


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