Category:Media with forbidden good qualities

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These media are so unspeakably horrible that they have been determined not to have any redeeming qualities allowed on their pages. This usually comprises media that revolves around (or even glorifies) extremely controversial and illegal topics such as:

  • Mentions or depictions of child violence/sexualization (such as pedophilia, child murder, child abuse, child pornography, child rape, and underage incest), though media whose sole purpose is sexual gratification, or which features child sexual abuse as a plot point is not allowed on this site per the Telepedia owner's request
  • Acts of genocide, massacre, and terrorism
  • Scams or malware, especially those disguised as games
  • Scandals, regardless if it's something iredeemable or not
  • Disrespecting tragedies (such as the Holocaust or 9/11 attacks)
  • Purposely making malice, insult, mock, and doing hate things at/against cultures and traditions
  • Animal abuse, especially to domestic animals like dogs and cats.

Pages in this category must be discussed on local talk before they can be removed/have positive pointers allowed again, and a mod or admin must approve.

Media that are historical artifacts (like World War II propaganda), but still contain these illegal themes can still get forbidden from good qualities as their actions are considered inexcusable.

Media that is intended to be made as a joke, being intentionally bad media, should not be included here, as they should not be taken seriously.